3 research outputs found

    Characterization of hepatitis B virus X gene quasispecies complexity in mono-infection and hepatitis delta virus superinfection

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    Hepatitis B X gene; Hepatitis B virus; Hepatitis delta virusHepatitis B gen X; Virus d'hepatitis B; Virus d'hepatitis deltaHepatitis B gen X; Virus de hepatitis B; Virus de hepatitis deltaBACKGROUND: Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) seems to strongly suppress hepatitis B virus (HBV) replication, although little is known about the mechanism of this interaction. Both these viruses show a dynamic distribution of mutants, resulting in viral quasispecies. Next-generation sequencing is a viable approach for analyzing the composition of these mutant spectra. As the regulatory hepatitis B X protein (HBx) is essential for HBV replication, determination of HBV X gene (HBX) quasispecies complexity in HBV/HDV infection compared to HBV mono-infection may provide information on the interactions between these two viruses. AIM: To compare HBV quasispecies complexity in the HBX 5' region between chronic hepatitis delta (CHD) and chronic HBV mono-infected patients. METHODS: Twenty-four untreated patients were included: 7/24 (29.2%) with HBeAg-negative chronic HBV infection (CI, previously termed inactive carriers), 8/24 (33.3%) with HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B (CHB) and 9/24 (37.5%) with CHD. A serum sample from each patient was first tested for HBV DNA levels. The HBX 5' region [nucleotides (nt) 1255-1611] was then PCR-amplified for subsequent next-generation sequencing (MiSeq, Illumina, United States). HBV quasispecies complexity in the region analyzed was evaluated using incidence-based indices (number of haplotypes and number of mutations), abundance-based indices (Hill numbers of order 1 and 2), and functional indices (mutation frequency and nucleotide diversity). We also evaluated the pattern of nucleotide changes to investigate which of them could be the cause of the quasispecies complexity. RESULTS: CHB patients showed higher median HBV-DNA levels [5.4 logIU/mL, interquartile range (IQR) 3.5-7.9] than CHD (3.4 logIU/mL, IQR 3-7.6) (P = n.s.) or CI (3.2 logIU/mL, IQR 2.3-3.5) (P < 0.01) patients. The incidence and abundance indices indicated that HBV quasispecies complexity was significantly greater in CI than CHB. A similar trend was observed in CHD patients, although only Hill numbers of order 2 showed statistically significant differences (CHB 2.81, IQR 1.11-4.57 vs CHD 8.87, 6.56-11.18, P = 0.038). There were no significant differences in the functional indices, but CI and CHD patients also showed a trend towards greater complexity than CHB. No differences were found for any HBV quasispecies complexity indices between CHD and CI patients. G-to-A and C-to-T nucleotide changes, characteristic of APOBEC3G, were higher in CHD and CI than in CHB in genotype A haplotypes, but not in genotype D. The proportion of nt G-to-A vs A-to-G changes and C-to-T vs T-to-C changes in genotype A and D haplotypes in CHD patients showed no significant differences. In CHB and CI the results of these comparisons were dependent on HBV genotype. CONCLUSION: The lower-replication CHD and CI groups show a trend to higher quasispecies complexity than the higher-replication CHB group. The mechanisms associated with this greater complexity require elucidation.Supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, grants PI15/00856 and PI17/02233; co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF

    Estudio de la quasiespecies del virus de la hepatitis delta: an谩lisis de la regi贸n del ant铆geno delta y de la ribozima

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    El virus de l鈥檋epatitis delta (VHD) es un virus d鈥橝RN que requereix de l鈥檃ntigen de superf铆cie del virus de l鈥檋epatitis B (HBsAg) per completar el seu cicle replicatiu. Aquest virus es l鈥檃gent etiol貌gic de l鈥檋epatitis delta, la forma m茅s greu d鈥檋epatitis viral en humans, que s鈥檈stima que afecta un total de 15 a 20 milions de persones en tot el m贸n. El genoma del VHD es una mol猫cula d鈥橝RN d鈥檜na sola cadena, circular, al voltant de 1700 nucle貌tids i de polaritat negativa. Aquest genoma codifica solament una prote茂na, l鈥檃ntigen delta (HDAg), que t茅 dos isoformes (la llarga i la curta) generades gracies a una modificaci贸 postranscripcional (desaminaci贸) durant la replicaci贸 viral, que canvia el cod贸 196 de stop (TAG) a l鈥檃mino脿cid W (TGG). Aquest proc茅s tamb茅 es coneix com edici贸 i est脿 catalitzat per la adenosina desaminasa que actua sobre ARN 1 (ADAR-1). A m茅s a m茅s el genoma conte un domini amb activitat enzim脿tica capa莽 de processar al propi genoma (autoescisi贸), essencial per la replicaci贸 viral, la ribozima. L鈥檕bjectiu principal d鈥檃questa tesi ha sigut estudiar la quasiesp猫cies del VHD mitjan莽ant seq眉enciaci贸 massiva (NGS), analitzant la conservaci贸 o variabilitat de les regions funcionals del virus, corresponents al HDAg (quantificaci贸 de la seva edici贸) y a la ribozima. En el primer estudi es va incloure una mostra de plasma de 4 pacients amb hepatitis delta cr貌nica, per validar la quantificaci贸 de percentatges de poblacions de genomes editats i no editats per NGS, comparant-la amb la metodologia de seq眉enciaci贸 Sanger dels productes de la clonaci贸. A m茅s a m茅s, es va estudiar la precisi贸 i la sensibilitat de la NGS, utilitzant barreges de diferents proporcions de productes de clonaci贸 editats i no editats, i es van observar els patrons de canvis nucleot铆dics per analitzar si l鈥檈dici贸 es un fenomen general que t茅 lloc a tota la regi贸 codificant del HDAg analitzada. Per altra banda, en el segon estudi es van incloure 36 mostres de plasma de 12 pacients amb hepatitis delta cr貌nica y es va analitzar el grau de conservaci贸 o variabilitat de la quasiesp猫cies en les regions analitzades del HDAg i de la ribozima. A m茅s a m茅s es va determinar l鈥檈xist猫ncia de patrons de mutacions a nivell aminoac铆dic en el HDAg. Mitjan莽ant els resultats obtinguts s鈥檋a demostrat que la NGS es una metodologia 煤til per detectar proporcions de genomes del VHD editats i no editats, m茅s sensible i precisa que la seq眉enciaci贸 Sanger dels productes de clonaci贸. Tamb茅 s鈥檋a observat que el fenomen d鈥檈dici贸 en la regi贸 codificant del HDAg podria no ser exclusiu de la posici贸 d鈥檈dici贸. A m茅s a m茅s els resultats van mostrar que la regi贸 del HDAg es variable i que els patrons de mutacions aminoac铆diques generalment podrien estar relacionats amb l鈥檈scapament del sistema immunitari, possiblement sense afectar significativament la funcionalitat de les regions del HDAg on es troben. Per 煤ltim, s鈥檋a observat que la regi贸 de la ribozima cont茅 un elevat nivell de conservaci贸 a la seva seq眉猫ncia.El virus de la hepatitis delta (VHD) es un virus de ARN que requiere del ant铆geno de superficie del virus de la hepatitis B (HBsAg) para completar su ciclo replicativo. Este virus es el agente etiol贸gico de la hepatitis delta, la forma m谩s grave de hepatitis viral en humanos, que se estima que afecta un total de 15 a 20 millones de personas en todo el mundo. El genoma del VHD es una mol茅cula de ARN de una sola hebra, circular, de alrededor de 1700 nucle贸tidos y de polaridad negativa. Este genoma codifica tan solo una prote铆na, el ant铆geno delta (HDAg), que tiene dos isoformas (la larga y la corta) generadas gracias a una modificaci贸n postranscripcional (desaminaci贸n) durante la replicaci贸n viral, que cambia el cod贸n 196 de stop (TAG) al amino谩cido W (TGG). Este proceso tambi茅n se conoce como edici贸n y est谩 catalizado por la adenosina desaminasa que act煤a sobre ARN 1 (ADAR-1). Adem谩s el genoma contiene un dominio con actividad enzim谩tica capaz de procesar al propio genoma (autoescisi贸n), esencial para la replicaci贸n viral, la ribozima. El objetivo principal de esta tesis ha sido estudiar la quasiespecies del VHD mediante secuenciaci贸n masiva (NGS), analizando la conservaci贸n o variabilidad de las regiones funcionales del virus, correspondientes al HDAg (cuantificando su edici贸n) y a la ribozima. En el primer estudio se incluy贸 una muestra de plasma de 4 pacientes con hepatitis cr贸nica delta, para validar la cuantificaci贸n de porcentajes de poblaciones de genomas editados y no editados por NGS, compar谩ndola con el m茅todo de secuenciaci贸n Sanger de los productos de clonaci贸n. Adem谩s, se estudi贸 la precisi贸n y sensibilidad de la NGS, utilizando mezclas de diferentes proporciones de productos de clonaci贸n editados y no editados, y se observaron los patrones de cambios nucleot铆dicos para analizar si la edici贸n es un fen贸meno general que tiene lugar en toda la regi贸n codificante del HDAg analizada. Por otro lado, en el segundo estudio se incluyeron 36 muestras de plasma de 12 pacientes con hepatitis cr贸nica delta y se analiz贸 el grado de conservaci贸n o variabilidad de la quasiespecies en las regiones analizadas del HDAg y de la ribozima. Adem谩s se determin贸 la existencia de patrones de mutaciones a nivel aminoac铆dico en el HDAg. Mediante los resultados obtenidos se ha demostrado que la NGS es un m茅todo 煤til para detectar proporciones de genomas del VHD editados y no editados, m谩s sensible y preciso que la secuenciaci贸n Sanger de los productos de clonaci贸n. Tambi茅n se ha observado que el fen贸meno de edici贸n en la regi贸n codificante del HDAg podr铆a no ser exclusivo de la posici贸n de edici贸n. Adem谩s, los resultados mostraron que la regi贸n del HDAg es variable y que los patrones de mutaciones aminoac铆dicas generalmente podr铆an estar relacionados con el escape al sistema inmunitario, posiblemente sin afectar significativamente la funcionalidad de las regiones del HDAg donde se encuentran. Por 煤ltimo, se ha observado que la regi贸n de la ribozima contiene un elevado nivel de conservaci贸n en su secuencia nucleot铆dica.Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is an RNA virus that requires the hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg) to complete its replicative cycle. This virus is the etiological agent of delta hepatitis, the most severe form of viral hepatitis in humans, which is estimated to affect a total of 15 to 20 million people worldwide. The HDV genome is around 1700 nucleotides, single-stranded, circular and negative polarity RNA molecule. This genome encodes just one protein, the delta antigen (HDAg), which has two isoforms (the large one and the short one) generated by post-transcriptional modification (deamination) during viral replication. This modification changes the stop codon 196 (TAG) into the W amino acid (TGG). This process is also known as editing and is catalyzed by adenosine deaminase that acts on RNA 1 (ADAR-1). Furthermore, the genome contains a domain with enzymatic activity capable of processing the genome itself (self-cleaving), essential for viral replication: the ribozyme. The main objective of this thesis has been to study the HDV quasispecies by next generation sequencing (NGS), analyzing the conservation or variability of the functional regions of the virus, corresponding to HDAg (quantifying its edition) and the ribozyme. In the first study, a plasma sample from 4 patients with chronic hepatitis delta was included to validate the quantification of percentages of edited and unedited genome populations by NGS and it was compared with the Sanger sequencing method of cloning products. In addition, the accuracy and sensitivity of NGS were studied, using mixtures of different percentages of edited and unedited cloning products, and nucleotide change patterns were also analyzed to confirm whether editing is a general phenomenon taking place along the entire coding region of the analyzed HDAg. On the other hand, 36 plasma samples from 12 patients with chronic hepatitis delta were included in the second study, and the conservation or variability of quasispecies in the analyzed regions of HDAg and ribozyme was analyzed. Furthermore, the existence of amino acid mutation patterns in HDAg was determined. The obtained results showed that NGS is a useful method to detect proportions of edited and unedited HDV genomes, more sensitive and accurate than Sanger sequencing of cloning products. It has also been observed that the editing phenomenon taking place along the entire HDAg coding region analyzed may not be unique to the editing position. Furthermore, the results showed that the HDAg region is variable and that amino acid mutation patterns could generally be related to escape from immune system, possibly without significantly affecting the functionality of the HDAg regions where they are found. Finally, it has been observed that the ribozyme region contains a high level of conservation in its nucleotide sequence.Universitat Aut貌noma de Barcelona. Programa de Doctorat en Medicin